Ensouling Medicine
Our bodies are adapted to natural resilience. Chronic illness interferes with our body’s innate ability to self-regulate. As chronic and drug-resistant illnesses are on the rise, emerging treatments should be innovative, dynamic and focused on individual care. My focus is working with clients to create action-plans that integrate body, mind and spirit for an effective approach to treatment.
In-person, phone, or Skype consultation available.
Lyme Literate Herbalism
A Comprehensive & Sensitive Approach
Rebooting the Body’s Healing Potential
I approach chronic illness through the lens of rebooting the body’s dynamic healing potential. I offer a comprehensive and sensitive approach to treatment, supported by my background in clinical herbalism, nutrition, and polyvagal therapy, as well as an understanding of innate healing potentials “locked” inside the cells of the individual. In my work, I assist clients in “unlocking” this potential in themselves. This understanding informs the action-plan and effectiveness of the protocol I design for clients.
I have worked extensively with emerging illnesses such as Chronic Lyme and its co-infections, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), SIBO and Toxic Mold Syndrome, as well as “classic” chronic illnesses, such as COPD. In addition, I work with emerging drug-resistant bacterial and viral pathogens.